It’s already yours.

~the universe

Manifestation isn’t magic; it doesn’t just happen with the snap of our fingers. It’s not hoping for a pile of money to materialize, to drop a dress size instantly, or for a new car to appear on our driveways; it takes more than hope or a wish. Often, it starts by getting out of our way.

Are you imagining an extraordinary life? Are you wondering why your life is not overflowing with abundance even though you say affirmations and think positive thoughts 24/7?

Positive affirmations target the conscious level of our minds. However, to create change, we must go to the subconscious. Manifestations will never materialize if deeply held negative beliefs oppose what you hope to manifest.

We cannot create a more remarkable life until we do some housekeeping: digging deep into the dirt-encrusted roots of who we are is where we can discover the origins of our belief systems.

Those outdated beliefs have guided and kept us jailed for who we were. Letting go of old truths allows space for our positive affirmations to take hold.

We must first let go of what is no longer needed to make room for more. Two differing realities cannot house the same space at the same time. We must declutter our souls just as we discard old and outdated items. When we have doubt, we cannot trust. When we have fear, we cannot love. When we have low self-esteem, we cannot feel worthy.

To let go of a belief, we must understand why we have it and its origins. Beliefs lie in our subconscious and guide our conscious minds on how to function. They have been taught to us by our family, community, culture, and experiences.

We outgrow some of these views during our lives. You are a girl, so act like one. You can’t have love and money. Boys don’t cry. Stop being so sensitive. You’ll never amount to anything. The list goes on and on. We have forgotten where those thoughts came from, yet they will stay in place until we set them free. They have molded us to become who we are.

Just because someone can manifest abundance does not make them better than someone who cannot. It just indicates that they do not have the same blocks that prevent them from doing so.

How do we identify those core beliefs?

Our stories can expose where we are holding ourselves back. How do we move through life? How do we describe who we are? What patterns do we fall back on? And most importantly, what are we attracting?

Beliefs are vocalized unconsciously in our day-to-day conversations. I can’t; I won’t. This always / never happens to me. These phrases are clues to the areas in which we can begin the exploration.

Identifying core beliefs may not be easy. It is a treasure hunt of sorts. We must delve deep into our history to find them.

Because a belief has been learned, it can be unlearned. The solution is identifying what you want to change and then blowing it to bits. This is accomplished by looking within with clear and honest eyes.

Why Doesn’t Manifestation Work?

  1. Resistance. People say they want something, and all their actions are against it. For instance, when an opportunity comes to somebody, they respond, “Oh yeah, not today. Could you come back in a couple of days or a week? How about a couple of hours?” Just not right now. 
  2. Right thoughts, wrong time: When we think we want it right now and nothing happens, we become frustrated, unaware that the wheel cogs are always moving. It is only with hindsight that the delay was necessary for the timing to be perfect.
  3. Holding on too tight: A closed mind, a rigid outlook, and an inflexible nature restrict the possibilities for actualizing.
  4.  Lack of specificity: You want a new job that pays XYZ but didn’t specify it needs to be geographically desirable. You want to rescue a puppy but want it to be a lap dog, not a Great Dane—the more precise your picture, the more excellent your opportunity to create.

Change can happen in a second. Discovering the moment of a belief’s inception can obliterate it. We can shed that limiting behavior and allow space for new manifestations. As quickly as it was formed, it can be discarded. The caveat is that the desire must be there to leave it behind and move forward.

With the release, we can change overnight. However, it takes fortitude and determination to prevent old patterns from re-rooting. Manifestation is available to those who do the work of clearing away the old and making way for the new.

What you think you become.

What you feel you attract.

What you imagine you create.
