Turmeric has impressive anti-inflammatory properties, great for digestion, helps increase cholesterol elimination by boosting bile production, plus more.  Do your research and see if it is right for you. I love how I  feel when I regularly drink or eat it.

Because of the benefits, I have now perfected my own recipe. I make a fresh batch that carries me throughout the week.

Equipment needed:

Juicer: I have an ancient Acme, extracting juicer. These are also called centrifugal juicers, have a spinning mesh basket with a grated bottom. You don’t need a state of an art juicer, but there are some amazing ones out there.

Sharp knife

64 oz glass bottle with a top


Fresh Turmeric root: juice ¼-½ cup according to taste. Depending on the dimension of roots, it is difficult to say how much you need. If you juice too much, put it in an ice cube tray and freeze it for the future.

Or if the fresh root is not available or you don’t have a juicer

1 Tbsp. powdered Tumeric make sure you buy Organic

Fresh ginger root:  juiced ¼-½ cup according to taste ( this doesn’t translate to powdered, so you can purchase pre juiced if you don’t have a juicer)

Lime or lemon: About ¼-⅓ cup juiced

Freshwater: I have a reverse osmosis water filter installed at my sink. If you don’t have one, get a charcoal filter like Brita and fill glass bottles.  Stop drinking water out of plastic.  Aside from the microplastics, the toxicity of the bottles is disrupting our endocrine systems. Research it for yourselves! Plus, you will save $$$ and help the planet with single-use bottles.

Honey ¼ cup or to taste.

Black Pepper

Red pepper optional

How to:

Heat about 5 cups fresh water until boiling on the stove, NOT microwave. Microwaves change the molecular structure of food and the effects of that food on the human body.

Pour into a glass jar with the honey so honey can melt.
Add in juiced turmeric and ginger root to taste.
I like it spicy, so I use closer to the ½ cup of ginger.
Add in lemon or lime. 

Add one teaspoon finely ground black pepper to activate the turmeric.

 Add RED pepper if you want a kick. Start with ½-1 tsp.

Serve warm, room temperature, or chilled. Keep in refrigerator and shake before pouring.

 ENJOY and share with your friends!

Turmeric root