Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change.
~Richard Branson
Change is not easy. Many find it hard. We fight to hold on, and we fight to let go. We hold on to what was or what could have been: to mistakes made, to love lost, and to beliefs that no longer serve our higher good.
We want it to last forever once we get a hold of something.
Usually, it doesn’t. People or situations enter our lives to show us what is right or to illustrate what is not. They can last a moment or for years. Regardless, they typically have a shelf life.
Understanding that everything is in a constant transition is our journey of letting go. If we want to change, but we change nothing, nothing changes. Making a change takes action.
Pressing the ReSet button is a way to start.
When is it time for a ReSet?
- Doors keep closing before we can walk through.
- We feel low, unenthusiastic, tired, lackluster, or irritable.
- Our friends don’t support our growth.
- We find a lot to complain about.
- There is a feeling of something looming, or we sense there is more to life.
How do we ReSet?
- When doors keep closing, it is a sign that we are off our path. It’s time for a reassessment. Are our intentions clear on what we want, or are we sending mixed messages to the universe? Are we secretly sabotaging ourselves? Are we ready to take advantage of opportunities once the door opens?
- Move! Exercise can be as easy as taking a walk. Get outside. Endorphins will kick in and change your energy. Another significant shake-up is laughter. Watch a funny movie, go to a comedy club, or get together with some friends for a giggle or a laugh.
- Refrain from spending time with toxic people, those who laugh at your dreams or tell you things are impossible. Surround yourself with like-minded people who support your ambitions, quirks, and free spirit. If you find yourself in a negative situation, politely remove yourself.
- When the urge to complain arises, learn to stop it before it overtakes you. When we complain, we attract things to complain about. When we are grateful, we attract things to be thankful for.
- When the feeling of doom and gloom shadows us or the thought that we are at a dead-end, life must be more than this; it is a sign to press Reset.
When we update our computers, we shut them down to ReStart. The same is true for us. We need a moment to shut down—a time to reflect on and reassess the life we envision.
Picture yourself living the life you have always imagined. For those familiar with Marie Kondo and her philosophy about clearing space, she suggests holding each item in your hands and asking yourself, “Does this bring me joy?”
The same can be said of relationships and situations in our lives. Ask yourself, “Does this person or situation bring me joy?” If not, what can I change? If no change is needed, take a moment to thank the person or situation for the lessons learned and let them go.
To let go is not about having less. Letting go provides room for more. Picture a container filled with pebbles. The pebbles are our beliefs, behaviors, habits, situations, and people. Now, fill the container with water. The water is our lives, hopes, dreams, and desires to live a fulfilling life. Some of those pebbles are necessary and valuable lessons we have gained throughout our lives, and others have become obsolete to our growth.
The sooner we let go of what was, those things that have restricted us from becoming more, the quicker we will be more of the person we always dreamt of becoming,
Change can be challenging or invigorating. The choice is ours. Do you want to make it hard, or do you want to make it easy? Take the actions to create the life you want; it only takes a ReSet, a ReStart, and a let-go.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making things complicated.
~ Confucius
Francine Weiner
The LET GO is my mental compass. When I am not sure of which paths to take .. I turn to the LET GO for directions!
Thank you Francine!
Marie Kondo has really taught us how liberating it can be to “let go” of material things that no longer spark joy. You’ve taken this a huge step further. Really great analogy and food for much thought. Thank you!
Jair A Bula
There are no coincidences in life. The Universe is speaking to me through you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
There are no coincidences to be sure, only synchronicity when we are open enough to see. Thank you for your words, CG
Maria Morales
So interesting, as I journaled this morning after my meditation this was what I had written… “I cannot move forward without creating a path. Our thoughts and feelings are a representation of what we are physically bound to on an earthly plane”.
Reading your article was a validation of my message 💞. Thank you!
Tricia Morig
Thank you! The Let Go has really inspired my energy shift.