When one’s expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have. Stephen Hawking Are you on a self-help journey, reading illuminating books, or taking course after course with enlightened teachers, and all you want to do is share these gems of wisdom with your loved ones and friends, but to no avail? They’re happy for you; they say, that’s great info, or I’ll check it out. Yet, you…
Read MoreGenius is 1% talent and 99% effort. ~ Einstein Are you looking for the easy way out? Do you cut corners to get things done? Do you want to bypass the middle to get to the end? Many look for shortcuts in life, and although a shortcut may benefit in a one-off situation, the long-term effect will only stymie success. If you take the time, it takes less; a core…
Read MoreWhile you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek. ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru Burnout can happen to anyone. And unfortunately, we have become a society where it is a badge of honor to overdo. We believe being hard on yourself is the way to be. But, while we strive for excellence, is it at…
Read MoreThe thoughts we hold about money, are often the very thing which affects how we attract or repel it. Who doesn’t want more money? How thrilling is it when we see a coin on the ground or, even better, a dollar bill? Millions dream of winning the lottery, and others of receiving a cash windfall. For many, money consumes our thoughts. We need it to live. It provides us with…
Read MoreNobody can bring you peace but yourself. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Words are powerful; thoughts become things; therefore, what we think will become reality. This concept has existed for ages, with Greek philosophers exploring the potential of words and ancient civilizations aware of their powerful impact. For instance, the Hebrew word abracadabra, although now associated with magic, was once used by physicians as far back as the second century (101-200 AD).…
Read MoreThe only constant is change. ~Heraclitus Autumn is upon us—the first day of fall fell on September 23, 2023—the same day as the autumn equinox—in the Northern Hemisphere. Ancient cultures recognized the wisdom that comes from the earth’s cycles and celebrated the changing of the seasons when the equinoxes or solstices occurred. The Latin equinox refers to when daylight and night are roughly equal in duration, meaning similar night.…
Read MoreWhen you say yes to others, make sure you aren’t saying no to yourself ~Paulo Coehlo Life is not a popularity contest, so being liked by everyone is not the goal. Each of us has come to life with individual journeys and lessons. Following our rhythm is imperative when we are on our mission to be who we are meant to be. And when that happens, sometimes it is when…
Read More“There is no end to education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti Communication is not a one-way street. Whatever we want to share follows the same concept; to transmit what we desire, we must convey the message in a manner it will be received. Once again, horses show me the way to life.…
Read MoreThe mind can go either direction under stress—toward positive or toward negative: on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the negative end and hyperconsciousness at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is strongly influenced by training. ― Frank Herbert, Dune Stress kills. Therefore, developing our ability to cope is vitally important. Life is not a straight line. It presents us…
Read MoreAnd once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. ~ Haruki Murakami There is a Japanese ritual called Misogi.…
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