Yoga, Sex, and Letting Go

The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. ~Alan Watts   In the ’80s, I lived in NYC and worked in the fashion industry at a high-pressure job. I was overworked, unhappily married, and in need of an escape. I had found myself living a life that did not resonate with my true…

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The Warrior Man: Sexual, Passionate Masculine

Men, this is for you and to all of the women who care about you. While men are keeping in step with their evolution becoming more sensitive and spiritual, there is an insurgence of women empowerment rising in society. Men are being challenged, many are feeling out of sorts, misplaced and frustrated. We have found equality in the workplace and chores are no longer gender-specific. Men are staying home caring…

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Equality Does Not Mean We Are The Same

‪”A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”‬ ~gloria steinem The strength of a woman comes in many forms. Women have been entering the workforce for decades now with their power suits and “I can elbow my way into a man’s world” attitude. We have succeeded in acquiring the CEO, CFO, and COO statuses. By doing so, we have become more challenging and…

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From Invisible to Invincible: How to Become a #SocialTrendWorthFollowing

Women over 50 have been talking about the feeling of invisibility for years. Most women have felt it—some more than others. What are the connotations and ramifications of the label of invisibility? Becoming invisible happens slowly; we don’t suddenly disappear; it is a gradual fading, almost invisible. So except for the feeling that something is changing, we barely realize it is happening. Then one day, we realize we are irrelevant…

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Are We What We Eat?

An ex-beau once referred to me as “granola girl,” which was ironic because I didn’t even like granola. It was merely a way for him to categorize me. Conscientious with how I choose to live my life, I ate healthy, recycled, practiced yoga, at one point even lived off the grid. For him, the label represented not only my eating habits but also my mindset. However, he was wrong; it was…

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A Chance Encounter

Sometimes who we are is more apparent to strangers than to ourselves. A chance encounter made me look deeply into the core of who I am. While having sushi with a friend, a man sat down beside me. As he ordered a sake, he said to me, “You have beautiful hands.” Although, obviously chatting me up, could he not see what my hands looked like? I wouldn’t say I liked…

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Judgment Stops Our Ability To See

The only justice is to follow the sincere intuition of the soul, angry or gentle. Anger is just, and pity is just, but judgement is never just. ~ D. H. Lawrence Animals are my most outstanding teachers. Occasionally, I foster dogs in need, primarily Dobermans. Each time I accept a new dog, I vow it will be the last time, yet I cannot resist stepping into the lives of these…

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Single by Choice

Single by Choice or Flying Solo. Are you married? Do you have kids? Are you dating? Aren’t you afraid to live alone? Don’t you get lonely? Those are the questions I am most frequently asked upon meeting new people, primarily upon meeting women who are not single. Being a single woman is an age-old stigma, even though single people in the US are growing faster than those married, which has…

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The Story of Elle, She Came to Be Healed and Became the Healer

Elle was an immeasurable gift. Our story starts at the end of her life. I only wish I could have known her longer. I was looking for a young female Doberman companion for Chloe, my middle-aged Dobie, in preparation for when Tezi, my senior cattle dog, passed. I knew Tezi’s time was coming. The Doberman rescue I spoke with didn’t have any young females. Although I didn’t want a male,…

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