Shifting Perspectives: Embracing Age

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”  – Sophia Loren Discovering the beauty in our maturation is a step to self-love and acceptance. Acknowledging what prevents us from owning our years is essential to spiritual growth. The desire to…

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When Less is More

  “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci A picture is worth a thousand words, so what are our surroundings unconsciously saying about who we are and how it affects our lives? We are complicated and intricate beings. Environment affects us on deep levels, even if we are unaware of it. It is why set designers are imperative to telling a good story on film. We experience it…

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Save Yourself First

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. ~ unknown   Self-love and self-care are not the same. Getting a massage, taking a hot bath, or turning off the phone, are forms of self-care, which is a part of self-love. Self-love is prioritizing your needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. When we hold ourselves in high esteem, we are more likely…

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Adversity is a Catalyst for Change

“Adversity, if used properly, will buy you a ticket to a place you couldn’t have gone otherwise” ~Author unknown Adversity is part of life. Some of us have more than others, yet we all experience it. How it comes into our lives is as diverse as the adversity itself. Finding ways to be resilient in the face of life’s challenges is a measure of who we are. Conflict and adversity…

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Stop Shoulding

“Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind.” ~ Roy T. Bennett Words hold vibrations. Choosing our words to color our world creates the tone and tenor of how we live. Certain words resonate at a high frequency, while others do the opposite. Should appears to be…

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Why Manifestation Doesn’t Work

What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.  ~Buddha Are you imagining an extraordinary life? Yearning to become more? Wondering why even though you say affirmations and you think positive thoughts 24/7,  your life is not overflowing in abundance? Positive affirmations target the conscious level of our minds. However, to create a change, we must go to the subconscious. If what you are…

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#HavingItAll: The Balancing Act of Life

Can we have it all? Somewhere in our collective consciousness, many have decided that we cannot. To want more is perceived as selfish or greedy,  appearing ungrateful for what we already have. I can be this, or I can be that. I can have a career, or I can have a relationship; I can’t have both. I want to follow my dreams, but I must make a living. So it’s…

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Emotional Fitness: Finding Inner Stability

Experience is not what happens to you- it’s how you interpret what happens to you ~ Aldous Huxley One key to a successful and joyous life is emotional fitness. When our minds sway away from negative thoughts that throw us off balance and instead focus on creative and productive activities, it is a sign of inner stability. Children love to spin in circles, roll down hills, do somersaults, fall on…

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Shifting from Grievance to Gratitude

I complain; who doesn’t? Everyone I know does, some more than others. Complaining has become a habit and a norm of society. It’s how we connect and communicate. We complain about the weather, the traffic, or the service at the restaurant. We complain about politics, the cost of everything, or about each other. There is always a grievance. And we like it.  Especially when there is a group of similar…

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