The most powerful person in the room, is the person with the least to hide. ~ Rick Julian We are seekers of what is genuine and honest, so the desire for transparency which refers to a state in which things are free from any attempt to hide something is now demanded. It has become a buzzword thrown around easily, praising and holding corporations in high regard when they comply. Transparency…
Read MoreThe key to aging is to not mourn what’s lost but to celebrate what remains. ~Marc Middleton I recently heard a speaker encouraging people to fight against ageism, and if asked: to “Lie about their age,” “Hide growing older at all costs.” Blaming ageism for the fact we are aging is ridiculous. Unwarranted fear arises because we are indoctrinated with the projections of others. We live in a youth-centric…
Read MoreThe greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. ~ Oprah Winfrey How we move through life has everything to do with mindset. If we focus more on what we can do and less on what we cannot do, we may surprise ourselves. After ten years of retirement from competing in endurance riding ( 50-100 miles on a horse), I…
Read MoreTo be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson The authentic self is who we are at our absolute core. It is who we were born to be. A composite of all our skills, talents, and wisdom, it is what makes us uniquely us because it is our souls’ calling. Yet, we define our lives by our…
Read More“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” ― Albert Einstein We’ve all heard it. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Yet, those stuck in the situation don’t realize they are there. The word solution comes from the Latin word solūtiō and the verb solvō, which means to loosen. So even if we are not naturally…
Read More“Soulful healing asks, while you are healing your body with herbs from Earth, that you look for the meaning in what is happening within your body as it relates to your whole being.” ~ Robin Rose Bennett The use of herbs and spices has been influential throughout history. Well before culinary usage, healers and herbalists gathered herbs for medicinal purposes. Many modern-day medicines were derived from properties found in these…
Read MoreHappiness is a quality of the soul…not a function of one’s material circumstances. ~ Aristotle We have all been in the presence of someone who is radiant. Radiance is sensed when great happiness exudes from someone’s expression or bearing. You may have experienced it with a bride-to-be or proud new parents, or perhaps you have been fortunate to have been in the presence of a spiritual teacher like the Dalia…
Read MoreAll of life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. – Ralph Waldo Emerson There is no innovation without experimentation. We need to try new things to expand our awareness and the world around us. Without stretching our comfort levels and risking failure, no adaptions, evolutions, or breakthrough ah-ha moments exist. Learning happens when we acknowledge the lessons that come from these experiences. Looking at the…
Read MoreYour pain needs to be recognized and acknowledged. It needs to be acknowledged and then released. Avoiding pain is the same as denying it. ~ Yong Kang Chan Most of the population walk with unhealed wounds, carrying these pains, even though we have long forgotten where they came from. They could have begun in early childhood or arrived with unexpected life changes or crises as adults. Through this lens…
Read MoreIf you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. – Lao Tzu When we concentrate on anything, we use energy, and although energy is infinite, it can be dispersed in ways that feel like we are running out of it. We give life to whatever we put…
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