Turmeric Tonic

Turmeric has impressive anti-inflammatory properties, great for digestion, helps increase cholesterol elimination by boosting bile production, plus more.  Do your research and see if it is right for you. I love how I  feel when I regularly drink or eat it. Because of the benefits, I have now perfected my own recipe. I make a fresh batch that carries me throughout the week. Equipment needed: Juicer: I have an ancient…

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Let’s Trash “Trash Talk”

 “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” —  Paulo Coelho Speaking ill to or about someone has become acceptable. Societal norms morphed while social decorum lapsed. We now find ourselves at the edge of a moral abyss. It is time to reevaluate the standards by which we communicate. Generally associated with sports and gamers, talking trash is the language used to psych out…

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Creating Radiance Daily

“Don’t be afraid to shine.Be the moon in the dark cold sky, and let your inner radiance be your main force.” ― Anoir Ou-chad Radiance is potent and energizing. It creates awe, is inspiring, and encourages hope. We have all been in the presence of someone who possesses this quality. Radiance is sensed when great happiness exudes from someone’s expression or bearing. You may have experienced it with a bride-to-be or…

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Adaptability Equals Longevity

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better. ~ Georg C. Litchenberg Change is the vehicle of evolution. It is the guide to the future, the direction to flow. It is a function of life, as seen in nature. Nature has an innate understanding of adaptability, which is instrumental to longevity. Nature is…

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Can Strength Be Defined?

Originally published on AGEIST under the title: Faces of Strength  “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” ― Nelson Mandela What does it mean to be strong? Images of strength inundate us in advertising and media; athletes who surpass what was once possible, stories of heroic acts of survival, superhuman efforts in the face of adversity,…

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We Are Human Beings, But Most of The Time We Are Humans Doing

“To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own.” – Jack Kornfield “It’s all about the let go. Without the release, we have nothing.”  Countless times I’ve reminded those of this core lesson as I trained them to ride their horses. And the more I said it, the more…

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11 Ways to Improve Our Outlook on Life

Fall is the time of year when the let go is seen everywhere. As foliage drops its leaves to make way for new growth, what better time is there for us to do the same? If you are ready for a change that will make you look and feel years younger, it is time to clear away what is not complementary to who you want to be. Looking at ourselves…

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What Are Your Truths?

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Mahatma Gandhi Truth and facts are not the same. Facts are based on fundamental research and quantifiable measures. Truth can be subjective. Your reality is different than mine. The truth may include fact, but it can also have beliefs. My truths have been confirmed over and over in my life.…

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Black or White or Shades of Gray

“We have many ways of creating our realities based on the the different ways we perceive.” ― Zamm Zamudio What we see is not always what it is. It is only our perception of it. Life is not black or white; it can reside in shades of gray. The ability to see both sides of the coin, cross the line, and look from the opposite side of the road is a…

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Redefining Our Scars

Are we more self-conscious about our physical scars or the personal ones that cannot be seen? Do you remember your first physical scar? I was the kid that was always running around and falling, skinning my knees. My grandmother was concerned that I would have “unsightly unladylike” knees when I grew up. Do you remember your first emotional scar? Was anyone concerned that you would grow up and have to…

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