Autonomous life began by cutting the cord so we could take our first breath. We have become accustomed to accepting that we are who we are, that certain things are how they will always be, and that nothing can alter them. Once ingrained, ways of being stay with us throughout our lives unless we break free of our energetic connections with what established them. When the soul yearns for something more,…
Read More“Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future. There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind.” ~ Roy T. Bennett Words hold vibrations. Choosing our words to color our world creates the tone and tenor of our lives. Certain words resonate at a high frequency, while others do the opposite. Should appears to be a…
Read MoreEvery success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change. ~Richard Branson Change is not easy. Many find it hard. We fight to hold on, and we fight to let go. We hold on to what was or what could have been: to mistakes made, to love lost, and to beliefs that no longer serve our higher good. We want it to last forever once we get a…
Read MoreIt’s already yours. ~the universe Manifestation isn’t magic; it doesn’t just happen with the snap of our fingers. It’s not hoping for a pile of money to materialize, to drop a dress size instantly, or for a new car to appear on our driveways; it takes more than hope or a wish. Often, it starts by getting out of our way. Are you imagining an extraordinary life? Are you wondering…
Read MoreExperience is not what happens to you- it’s how you interpret what happens to you ~ Aldous Huxley Physical fitness is at the forefront of many minds, but what about emotional fitness? One key to a successful and joyful life is balance. When our minds sway away from negative thoughts and instead focus on creative and productive activities, we experience inner stability. This stability allows us to strengthen our emotional…
Read MoreThe pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. ~ William Arthur Ward I complain; who doesn’t? Everyone I know does, some more than others. Complaining has become a habit and a norm of society. It’s how we connect and communicate. We complain about the weather, the traffic, or whatever perceived injustice we had to endure. We complain about politics, the cost…
Read MoreYou can have it all, just not all at the same time. ~ Betty Friedan Can we have it all? Many in our collective consciousness have decided that we cannot. Wanting more can be perceived as selfish or greedy, as ungrateful for what we already have. I can be this, or I can be that. I can have a career or a relationship; I can’t have both. I want to…
Read MoreSometimes when you’re overwhelmed by a situation – when you’re in the darkest of darkness – that’s when your priorities are reordered. ~ Phoebe Snow Feeling overwhelmed is a symptom of an imbalance of body, mind, and spirit. It can happen to everyone, yet it is controllable by redirecting our reactions to it. It is essential to get back in balance before we can shift our focus. Several signs alert…
Read MoreBeing still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions. ~Eckhart Tolle The world is testing our mental soundness. Fueled by the dramatic and life-changing weather patterns, coupled with disinformation and misinformation propagated by mass media, have thrown many off-kilter and left many feeling out of sorts. Yet, the quest for equilibrium is always present, and a quiet call traverses the ethers, signaling…
Read MoreIn order to uplift the planet, you have to be uplifted first. Get used to taking care of yourself so that you can be of greater service. ~Anita Moorjani Self-talk is the internal dialogue influenced by our subconscious minds. It reveals our inner thoughts and beliefs and can reveal our positive and negative feelings about ourselves. Negative self-talk is the dialogue that rolls around inside, telling us we are not…
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